











 Educational Qualification

B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering 1997
M.E. Communication Systems Thiagarajar College of Engineering 1999
PH.D Satellite Image Processing - (Remote Sensing) Anna University 2009


18-01-1999 to Till date 24 years Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering


  1. Dr. R A Alagu Raja, Himali P. Vaghela, "Performance analysis of deep learning models for tree species identification from UAV images", Arabian Journal of GeoSciences, Oct 2023.
  2. Himali P. Vaghela, Dr. R A Alagu Raja, "Automatic Identification of Tree Species from UAV Images Using Machine Learning Approaches", Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Oct 2022.
  3. Himali P. Vaghela, Dr. R A Alagu Raja, "Comparison of Support Vector Machine and k-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers for Tree Species Identification" Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics. Dec 2021
  4. R.Prabhu, B.Parvathavarthini, Dr.R.A.Alaguraja, " Slum Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Data using Mathematical Morphology based Approach" International Journal of Remote Sensing Nov 2020.
  5. R.Prabhu , R.A.Alagu Raja 'Urban Slum Detection Approaches from High-Resolution Satellite Data Using Statistical and Spectral Based Approaches" Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing December 2018 , 46(12): 2033-2044
  6. A.Priyanga , S.Jeyaram Shibu, Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "A Detailed Study on Vegetation Indices - TowardsAgriculture Degradation Monitoring InMadurai Region, South India" International Journal of Science, Engineering and Management (IJSEM)Vol 3, Issue 4,
  7. 1.K. Venkateswaran, N. Kasthuri & R. A. Alaguraja “A Combined Detail Enhancing Algorithm and Texture Feature Extraction Method for Supervised Classification of Remote Sensing Images" Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. Volume 46 Number 3, March 2018
  8. B.Surya Kumar, J.Siva Kumar, S.Vinoth Kumar, Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "Identification of Accident Hotspots in Maduraiusing GIS" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181
  9. S.Karthikeyan, D.Prabahar , Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "Groundwater Quality Monitoring Sysetmusing GIS" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181
  10. K.Vaiyammal , Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "Change Detection on SAR Images" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181.
  11. L.Subathra , Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "Performance Analysis of Feature ExtractionTechniques Applied on SAR Data" International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)ISSN: 2278-0181. April 2017.
  12. Subhashini s, Thirumaran k, Saravanan v, R,A Alaguraja,"A Comparative Analysis of Land Surface Retrieval Methods Using Landsat 7 and 8 Data to Study Urban Heat Island Effect in Madurai ,Indexed in Scopus Compendex and Geobase Elsevier, Geo-Ref Information Services-USA, List B of Scientific Journals, Poland, Directory of Research Journals ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 09, No. 04 August 2016, P.P.885-8
  13. 3.K Venkateswaran, N Kasthuri, RA Alagu Raja “Performance Comparison of Wavelet and Contourlet Frame Based Features for Improving Classification Accuracy in Remote Sensing Images” Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publishers., Dec. 2015
  14. S. Sevvanthi, A. Saro, R. Prabhu Dr. R.A.Alaguraja "Modified Morphological Profiles Based Classification from Very High Resolution Data" Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(27) August 2015, Pages: 726-728
  15. R. Prabhu Dr. R.A.Alaguraja "Land Cover Classififcation of Satellite Data using Morphological Attribute Profiles " International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.20 (2015)
  16. 2Alagu Raja R.A., Anand V., Senthil kumar S., Sandeep maithani and Abhai kumar V., ‘Wavelet based post classification change detection technique for urban growth monitoring (DOI:10.1007/s12524-011-0199-7) ‘Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publishers , March 2012
  17. Alagu Raja R.A., Anand V., Senthil kumar S., Sandeep maithani and Abhai kumar V., ‘Wavelet Frames based Feature Extraction Technique for Improving Classification Accuracy’ Journal of Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Springer Publishers., Sep. 2009
  1. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Classification of Agricultural Crops Using Deep Learning Model", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb 17-18, 2023.
  2. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Selection of Suitable Features of Agricultural Crops Identification", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb-17-18,2023.
  3. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Mapping of Paddy Fields Using Sentinel-2A Satellite Images- A Pilot Study for Madurai Region, Tamil Nadu", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb-17-18,2023.
  4. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Selection of Vegetation Indices Using Filter-based Machine Learning Technique for Tree Species Identification", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb 17-18,2023.
  5. R.A. Alagu Raja, "Agricultural Features Extraction from Synthetic Aperture Radar Images- A Microwave Remote Sensing based Approach", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb 17-18,2023.
  6. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Detection of Different Tree Species from Drone Images Using Machine Learning Model", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb-17-18,2023.
  7. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Convolutional Neural Network and Random Forest Classifier for Identifying Tree Species Using False Colour Composites Images", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb-17-18,2023.
  8. R.A. Alagu Raja, "Waterbody Change Detection Using Multi Temporal Satellite Image", International conference on Agricultural Sciences, Technologies, Innovation and Enterpreneurship-2023, Feb 17-18,2023.
  9. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja, "GIS Based Model for Cost Prediction of Agricultural Crops - A Decision Support System for Farmers", Geo-Innovation Challenge in Geospatial Technology organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthpuram.
  10. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Developing Urban Forestry for Smart City Madurai" , Geo-Innovation Challenge in Geospatial Technology organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthpuram.
  11. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Accident Hotspots Analysis – An Initiative Towards Accident Free Smart City Madurai" Geo-Innovation Challenge in Geospatial Technology organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthpuram.
  12. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Surface Water Quality Parameters Extraction from Remote Sensing Data – A Case study for Smart Madurai",Geo-Innovation Challenge in Geospatial Technology organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthpuram.
  13. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja, "Identifying Best Cultivable Crops based on Available Resources using Remote Sensing Data and Artificial Intelligence - A case study for smart Madurai",Geo-Innovation Challenge in Geospatial Technology organized by Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Valiamala, Thiruvananthpuram.
  14. DR R A Alagu Raja "Accuracy Evaluation of Supervised Classifiers on Agricultural Crop Identification", 7th National conference on information and communication Technologies (NCICT - 2022) organized by SSN college of Engineering on Feb 23,2022.
  15. DR R A Alagu Raja "Crop Identification using Deep Residuals Networks", 7th National conference on information and communication Technologies (NCICT - 2022) organized by SSN college of Engineering on Feb 23,2022.
  16. DR R A Alagu Raja "Classification of flower crops using deep learning", 7th National conference on information and communication Technologies (NCICT - 2022) organized by SSN college of Engineering on Feb 23,2022.
  17. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja 'Shoreline Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Data using Structural-based Approaches', 2nd National Conference on Communication Systems (NCOCS - 2020) Organized by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Puducherry. 21 Nov, 2020.
  18. Dr. R. A. Alagu Raja 'Tree Species Identification using Machine Learning Algorithms: SVM & KNN', 2nd National Conference on Communication Systems (NCOCS - 2020) Organized by National Institute of Technology (NIT), Puducherry. 21 Nov, 2020.
  19. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “ A Detailed Study on Vegetation Indices- Towards Agriculture Degradation using Madurai Region, South India “ International Conference on Recent Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Research-ICRTMDR, April 2018.
  20. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,“Scale Invariant Transform based land Cover classification of satellite image”,National Seminar on “Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies” Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai2015
  21. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Urban Slum Detection form High Resolution Data Using Gabour Wavelets A Case Study of Madurai City” National Seminar on Geoinformatics Application in Rural Development, at NIRDPR, Hyderabad, 2015
  22. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja“Land Cover classification of Remotely sensed data using statistical based feature extraction approaches”,National Seminar on “Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies” Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai,2015
  23. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Solid Waste Management for Madurai City Using GIS Spatial Modelling” ” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  24. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Building Extraction from Fine Resolution Map Using Pixel Swapping” ” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  25. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Image Classification of Polarimetric SAR( Synthetic Aperture Radar) Data” ” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  26. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Impact Analysis of Uncontrolled Soil Mining Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry “” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  27. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Terrain Analysis and Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  28. Dr.R.A. Alau Raja “ Village Administration Using GIS-A case Study of A Village District, Tamilnadu” National Seminar on Geoinformatics Application in Rural Development, at NIRDPR, Hyderabad, 2015
  29. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja“Identification of Urban Heat Island through Land Surface Temprature”,National Seminar on “Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies” Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai,2015
  30. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,“Land Cover classification using Morphological Inertia attribute”,National Seminar on “Land Use/ Land Cover Changes and its impact: Spatial Challenges and Geospatial Technologies” Madurai Kamarajar University, Madurai,2015
  31. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “ High Resolution Satellite Image Classification Using Level Set Evolutions”National Seminar on Geoinformatics Application in Rural Development, at NIRDPR, Hyderabad, 2015
  32. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Rain Water runoff Modelling Using GIS-A Case Study of Madurai District, Tamilnadu” ” National symposium on Geomatics for Digital India December 2015 at Jaipur (Rajasthan)
  33. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Vegetation monitoring using multi-spectra images-A case study of Madurai region,National conference on Application of Geoinformatics’14 in rural,urban and climatic studies (2014), CSRE,IIT,Bombay2014
  34. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Mathematical Morphology for Remote Sensing Applications,International Symposium on “Operational Remote Sensing Applications, NRSC, Hyderabad 2014.
  35. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Vegetation Monitoring from Multispectral Data- A Case Study of Madurai Region", TamilNadu,Geomatrix’14
  36. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja," Mathematical Morphology for Remote Sensing Applications"Remote Sensing /Satellite Image Processing,NRSC ,Hyderabad,2014
  37. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Water Pollution Monitoring using GIS in Madurai Region”, TamilNadu 2014
  38. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Ground Water Level Monitoring in Madurai Region using GIS”. 2014
  39. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Synthetic Aperture Radar Data classification using multi-level local pattern histogram,National conference on Application of Geoinformatics’14 in rural,urban and climatic studies, CSRE,IIT,Bombay 2014.
  40. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Madurai WebGIS- A Joint Effort of NRSC, Hyderabad and TCE,Madurai,National conference on Application of Geoinformatics’14 in rural,urban and climatic studies (2014), CSRE,IIT,Bombay 2014 .
  41. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja," Mathematical Morphology for Remote Sensing Applications"Remote Sensing /Satellite Image Processing,NRSC ,Hyderabad,2014
  42. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Mathematical Morphology based Classification of High Resolution Satellite Data,National conference on “Application of Geoinformatics’14 in rural,urban and climatic studies” , CSRE,IIT,Bombay2014
  43. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Mathematical Morphology based Classification of High Resolution Satellite Images",Indian society of Geomatics – Geomatrix’14
  44. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Madurai WebGIS- A Joint Effort of NRSC, Hyderabad and TCE",C,SRE,IIT Bombay2014
  45. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja."Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Classification using Multilevel Local Pattern Histogram" CSRE, IIT Bombay,Geomatrix’14
  46. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Database Creation for rural area development using GIS:,CSRE,IIT Bombay 2014.
  47. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Database Creation for rural area development using GIS,National conference on Application of Geoinformatics’14 in rural,urban and climatic studies (2014), CSRE,IITBombay.
  48. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Remote Sensing based Surface Water Quality Analysis using Artifical Neural Network National Symposium on ‘’RS and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and coastal Dynamics”, Vishakhapatnam,2013
  49. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"A Texture based Classification Approach for Agriculture Land Monitoring from Satellite Images,National Symposium on ‘’RS and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and coastal Dynamics ”,Visakhapatnam 2013
  50. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Wavelet based Texture Feature Extraction for Classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data,National Symposium on ‘’RS and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and coastal Dynamics”, Vishakhapatnam 2013.
  51. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Slum Extraction Approaches from High Resolution Satellite Data,National Symposium on ‘’RS and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and coastal Dynamics”,Visakhapatnam2013
  52. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Mathematical Morphology based Feature Extraction from VHR Satellite Data,National Symposium on ‘’RS and GIS for Environment with special emphasis on marine and coastal Dynamics ”,Vishakhapatnam ,2013.
  53. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Accident Hot Spot Analysis: A Case GIS Based Implementation for Madurai City,Tamilnadu”, Centre of Studies in Resource Engineering-Geomatrix-12 IIT-Bombay, 2012
  54. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Air pollution Monitoring using GIS-A case study of Madurai City, South India”, Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai,April-2012, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  55. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja,"Automatic Building Extraction from High Resolution satellite data,National Conference on “Space Technology for Food and Environmental Security ”New Delhi,2012.
  56. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “An Adaptive Brightness Preserving Contrast Enhancement Technique”, The Optical Society Of India On Optics And Opto-Electronics At REC,Warangal., 2012
  57. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Classification of satellite data using Mathematical Morphology”, Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai, 2012.
  58. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Traffic Accident Analysis Using GIS-A Case Study of Madurai City-South India”., Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai, 2012
  59. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Object Oriented Segmentation Approach for High resolution Satellite Data”, Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai, 2012
  60. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Building Extraction Urban Area From High Resolution Satellite Imagery.”, Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai, 2012
  61. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Recognition of Water Bodies From Landsat-5 Satellite Data and Database Creation in GIS”, Centre of Studies in Resource Engineering-Geomatrix-12 IIT-Bombay, 2012
  62. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Performance Analysis of Water Body Detection Algorithms From Remotely Sensed Data”, Madurai Kamaraj University-Madurai, 2012
  63. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Object-Oriented Building Extraction from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Based on Fuzzy RVM”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune,
  64. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “An Automated change detection system using IDL”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune,
  65. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Analysis of Wavelet Based Texture Classification for LISS Images”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune
  66. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Remote Sensing change detection based on wavelet product spaces”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune,
  67. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Change Detection of Satellite Data Using Morphological Profiles”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune
  68. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “ Hazeremoval From Remotely Sensed Data Using Wavelet Analysis” National Seminar on Trends in Geospatial Data Analysis for Resourse and Environmental management- 2010
  69. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Classification of High Resolution Satellite data Using Morphological Profiles National Seminar on Trends in Geospatial Data Analysis for Resourse and Environmental management- 2010
  70. Dr. R.A.Alagu Raja “Segmentation of Satellite Data Using Watershed Transform” National Seminar on Trends in Geospatial Data Analysis for Resourse and Environmental management- 2010
  71. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Urban area classification on high resolution satellite data using Fuzzy-C-Means”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune,
  72. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Cloud Shadow Detection in High Resolution Images Using Mathematical Morphology.”, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune
  73. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Cloud Cover Detection and Removal Techniques for Remotely Sensed Data”, ndian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune
  74. Dr.R.A. Alagu Raja “Change Detection Based on Wavelet Product Spaces” Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change with Specific Reference to Mountain Ecosystem-2009
  75. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “A Study for Analyzing the Impact of Wavelet Scaling on Satellite Data Classification” Bharathidasan University, Trichy 2009.
  76. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Wavelet Based Feature Extraction and Classification Using Differential Evolution”, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, 2009.
  77. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “An Automated change detection system using IDL”, Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change with Specific Reference to Mountain Ecosystem-2009.
  78. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “PCA Based Remote Sensing Change Detection”, Geomatics for planet earth & Annual convention of Indian society of Geomatics-2008, Bhopal,
  79. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Performance Analysis of Fourier and Wavelet Transforms on Remote Sensing Change Detection”, Geomatics for planet earth & Annual convention of Indian society of Geomatics-2008, Bhopal,
  80. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Thresholding technique selection based on various accuracy indices, Water & Mineral resource information and environment impact analysis”, 2008
  81. Dr. R.A. Alaguraja “ A Class of Thresholoding Techiques for Change Detection Studies” GEOMATICS- 2008
  82. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Development of GUI for Remote Sensing Change Detection using IDL, Water
  83. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Wavelet Based Texture Classification For Remotely Sensed Data”, Conference at MGR University, Chennai, 2006.
  84. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Performance Analysis of Thresholding Techniques for Change Detection Techniques,” NCICCA 2005, Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering, Krishnankovil 2005
  85. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Urban Sprawl Analysis through Multitemporal Satellite Data A Case Study of Madurai, Tamilnadu,” Indian society of geomatics, Anna university, Chennai, 2005
  86. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Detection of Spectral Changes in Multi Temporal Remote Sensing Images”, National Conference on Advanced Communication Systems, AC Tech, Karaikudi, 2005
  87. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “ Wavelet Based Texture Segmentation for Remotely Sensed Data” National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking NACIAPAN-2004
  88. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Transportation Planning for Madurai City, Tamilnadu using GIS”, Seventh Annual ESRI India User Conference, Noida (U.P.), 2004
  89. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Database Creation for Watershed Management using GIS 04 A Pilot Study” at Vadipatti Taluk, Madurai District, Tamilnadu., Seventh Annual ESRI India User Conference, Noida (U.P.), 2004
  90. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Wavelet based Change Detection Algorithm”, Bharat Institute of Technology, Chennai,2003.
  91. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Change Detection Algorithms, Innovation In Information & Commn. Technology “ (Nciict-2003) PSG College Of Tech.,Coimbatore, 2003
  92. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Integrating Change Detection Algorithms And GIS For Medical Imaging Applications”, VIROHA, Vellore Institute Of Technology,Vellore 2003.
  93. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Performance Analysis of Texture Segmentation Techniques for Remotely Sensed Data”, National Trends in Communication Techniques, Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Nagarkovil., 2002
  94. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Wavelet Based Texture Segmentation for Remotely Sensed Data” , National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking 2002.
  95. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Performance Analysis of Thresholding Techniques, National Conference on Biosignal,Communication
  96. Dr.R.A.Alaguraja, "Performance Analysis of Satellite Image Classification Algorithms", The Optical Socity Of India At Trivandrum.2001
  97. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja, “Performance Analysis of Feature Extraction Techniques Applied on SAR Data”, National Conference on Recent Trends in Information, Communication and Computing Technologies – RTICCT 17, April 2017.
  98. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja “Gabor Based Feature Extraction Techniques For Satellite Images”, Water
  99. Dr.R.A.Alagu Raja "Remote Sensing Change detection" National conference on Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Mach 2018
  100. Dr R. A. Alagu Raja "Performance analysis of ten vegetation indices for tree species identification", National Seminar on "Recent Trends in Geospatial Technology for Environment & Health",24-03-2022
  1. Applications of Active and Passive Microwave Remote Sensing,Remote Sensing,AICTE Course Material


Land Use Monitoring of Madurai District Using Remote Sensing Techniques TNSCST (Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology), Chennai 0.04 Lakhs Principal Investigator
Identifying Degradation of Agricultural Lands of Madurai District Using Satellite Image Processing TNSCST (Tamilnadu State Council For Science And Technology), Chennai 0.05 Lakhs Principal Investigator
Wavelet Based Urban Change Detection Technique for Remotely Sensed Data and Database Creation using GIS ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization), Bangalore 6.05 Principal Investigator
Data Base for Integrated Watershed Management in Vadipatti Micro Watershed in Madurai District Using Remote Sensing and GIS AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), New Delhi 9.00 Principal Investigator


M/S. HI-TECH ARAI Pvt. Ltd Madurai Map showing the distance between proposed manufacturing unit and the river Vaigai using GIS 10-06-2022 to 31-03-2023
M/s. Micro Chemicals Co. SIDCO Industrial Estate Identifying waterbodies with in 1km distance from company using GIS mapping 06-04-2022 to 30-04-2022
JAS Industry,Madurai Location of an Industry from River Vaigai Bank 01-01-2012 to 01-01-2015
Pico Mega Design Lab Vehicle Tracking using GIS and GPS -
DHAN Foundation Decision support system for a Farmer Centered Tanks Management Programme -

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Two-day worskshop on "Teaching Programming: Leveraging AI", Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 23-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
  2. Faculty Development Program on "Leadership Skills",Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 20-12-2022 to 21-12-2022
  3. Five day online workshop on "Course Design in CDIO Curriculum",Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  4. TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on "CDIO Based Curriculum Design", 22-08-2019 to 22-08-2019
  5. AICTE-QIP Sponsored One Week Short Term Course on Deep Learning for Visual Computing at Thiagarajar College, Madurai, 28-01-2019 to 03-02-2019
  6. A TWO DAY TEQIP-II SPONSORED ACM DISTINGUISHED SPEAKER PROGRAMME, at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, , 09-12-2016 to 10-12-2016
  7. FICCI's Education Conference, Chennai, , 29-11-2016 to 29-11-2016
  8. TEQIP-II sponsored workshop on "ICT Tools for Engineering Education", organised by the CENTRE FOR ENGINEERING EDUCATION, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  9. NSS-Technology Based social Work", Sampakulam, Madurai, 20-02-2016 to 20-02-2016
  10. Advanced Techniques for Satellite Image Processing,CSRE, IIT Bombay, , 10-11-2014 to 14-11-2014
  11. Future Proofing of Cities- Madurai Atkinson- UK, Madurai Corporation,Hotel Fortune Pandian-Madurai , , 30-10-2014 to 30-10-2014
  12. Two week ISTE Workshop on Computer Programming,IIT Bombay, , 20-05-2014 to 20-05-2014
  13. Preconference Tutorial on “ Geoinformatics in Marine and Coastal Environments”,Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP-, 02-12-2013 to 03-12-2013
  14. Atkinson- UK, Madurai Corporation,Hotel Fortune Pandian-Madurai, , 19-11-2013 to 19-11-2013
  15. Two days workshop on Climate Change: Impact and response,PWDS-DATA,Madurai, , 30-08-2013 to 31-08-2013
  16. Faculty Development Program on Linear Algebra and Applications,National Institute of Technology, Calicut, , 07-07-2013 to 13-07-2013
  17. Microwave Remote Sensing Applications,ISRO National Remote Sensing Centre, Hyderabad, , 20-05-2013 to 31-05-2013
  18. Applications of Soft Computing Techniques in Information Retrieval and Knowledge discovery,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, , 10-04-2013 to 10-04-2014
  19. One day Workshop on Outcome based Accreditation (NBA),Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, , 12-07-2012 to 12-07-2012
  20. DST Sponsored Training program on Geospatial Technologies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai,2012, 08-05-2012 to 28-05-2012
  21. RajivGandhi winter Adventure Programme,Thenmala, Kerala, , 14-02-2012 to 23-02-2012
  22. Madurai Symposium 2011,DHAN Foundation, Madurai, , 15-09-2011 to 15-09-2011
  23. Summer School on Advances in Visual Object Recognition and Retrieval, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,, 04-07-2011 to 08-07-2011
  24. An Automated change detection system using IDL, Indian Society of Remote Sensing-Dec 2010, Pune,, 09-04-2010 to 09-04-2010
  25. Wavelet Based Feature Extraction and Classification Using Differential Evolution, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, , 09-01-2009 to 09-01-2009
  26. GEOMATICS 2006, IRS, ANNA UNIVERSITY, CHENNAI, , 04-01-2006 to 06-01-2006
  27. ERDAS INDIA USER MEET, RSI, HYDERABAD, , 04-02-2005 to 04-02-2005
  28. 15TH NDC USER MEET, NRSA, HYDERABAD, , 02-02-2005 to 02-02-2005
  29. SEVENTH ESRI INDIA USER MEET, NIIT INDIA LTD., NEW DELHI,, 02-12-2004 to 02-12-2004
  32. 14TH NDC USER MEET, NRSA, HYDERABAD, , 12-01-2004 to 12-01-2004
  33. GIS USER MEET, ERDAS INDIA,NEW DELHI , , 03-09-2003 to 03-09-2003

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Coordinated online training course on "RS and GIS applications in Atmospheric and Oceanic Hazards" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 27-02-2023 to 03-03-2023
  2. Coordinated online training course on " Overview of Web GIS Technology" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 21-06-2021 to 02-07-2021
  3. Coordinated online training course on "GIS for Supply Chain Management" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 26-04-2021 to 30-04-2021
  4. Coordinated online training course on " Advantages in SAR-Polarimetry & Interferometry" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020
  5. Coordinated online training course on " RS & GIS Applications" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 02-11-2020 to 20-11-2020
  6. Coordinated online training course on "Basics of Geocomputation and Geoweb Services" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 19-10-2020 to 29-10-2020
  7. Coordinated online training course on "Understanding of Coastal ocean processes using Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 21-09-2020 to 25-09-2020
  8. Coordinated online training course on "Basics of Remote Sensing Geographical Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 17-08-2020 to 20-11-2020
  9. Coordinated online training course on "Remote Sensing Applications in Agricultural Water Management" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 03-08-2020 to 07-08-2020
  10. Coordinated online training course on "Geospatial Inputs for Enabling Master Plan Formulation" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  11. Coordinated online training course on "Applications of Geoinformatics in Ecological Studies" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 13-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  12. Coordinated online training course on "Satellite Photogrammetry and its Application" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 29-06-2020 to 03-07-2020
  13. Coordinated online training course on "Overview of Planetary Geosciences with special emphasis to the Moon and Mars" conducted by Indian Institute of Remote Sensing during, 08-06-2020 to 12-06-2020
  14. Training Program on the ENVI Software Version 5.4 During , 19-03-2018 to 20-03-2018
  15. Training Program on the GAMMA Remote sensing Software Version 4.2, 08-03-2018 to 09-03-2018
  16. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing outreach Programme on Basic of Remote Sensing, GIS and GNSS, Remote Sensing and GIS application in Carbon Forestry, Microwave Radar Remote Sensing and its application, UAV Remote Sensing and application, Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System Global Navigation System, Remote sensing and Digital Image Analysis,- 2018,, 01-03-2018 to 01-03-2018
  17. one day Workshop on Small Satellites Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 27-12-2017, 27-12-2017 to 27-12-2017
  18. Workshop on Small Satellite Technology has been Conducted in the Support of ISRO Scientist on During, 27-12-2017 to 27-12-2017
  19. Act as Cordinator to Conduct ISRO-IIRS-Outreach Certificate Program for the Online Traning Course on Microwave Radar Remote Sensing and its Application During , 10-04-2017 to 27-04-2017
  20. Technical Lecture on Satellite Image Processing by Prof.B.Krishna Mohan Head CSRE, IIT, Bombay Conducted on 15.11.2016, 15-11-2016 to 15-11-2016
  21. Act as Coordinator to Conduct ISRO-IIRS-Outreach Certificate Program for the Online Traning Course on Basic of Remote Sensing Geographical Inforamtion System and Globall Navigation Satellite System During , 22-08-2016 to 18-11-2016
  22. Act as Cordinator to Conduct ISRO-IIRS-Outreach Certificate Program for the Online Traning Course on Remote Sensing and GIS Application in Carbon Forstery During , 16-02-2016 to 10-03-2017
  23. TEQIP Sponsored National Workshop on Satellite Image Processing,Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 04-04-2014 to 05-04-2014
  24. SAR Image Analysis using GAMMA s/w By AmigoOptima, Hyderabad,Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 05-09-2013 to 05-09-2013
  25. Five Days Summer School on Advances in Visual object Recognition and Retrieval TCE, Madurai04.07.2011 to 08.07.2011(One Week) Sponoserd byIUPARI, New Delhi, 04-07-2011 to 08-07-2011
  26. ERDAS Remote Sensing S/W Training, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  27. IDL S/W Training, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  28. Seminar on ‘C’- Language-2007, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  29. Seminar on ‘C’- Language-2008, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  30. Work shop on Satellite Image Processing, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  31. Workshop On GIS, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,
  32. One week workshop on Geographical Information system and Applications TCE, Madurai Sponoserd by TCE, Madurai, 15-11-2010 to 21-11-2010
  33. Quality Improvement Program on Design and DeliveryNITTTR Chennai (One Week) Sponosored by MHRD, GOI, 25-10-2010 to 30-10-2010
  34. Short Term Training Programme On Gis, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering., Madurai, 13 - 18, February 2006
  35. Workshop On Remote Sensing & Geographical Information Systems, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering,, Madurai, 5-6,August 2005
  36. One Week Training Programme On Arcgis 9.0 Software, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai, 19-23, November 2004
  37. One Week Training Programme On Geomedia Professional Gis Software, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai , 07-12, June 2004
  38. Workshop On Remote Sensing Technology, Thiagarajar College Of Engg., Madurai, 12, July 2003
  39. 15th User Interaction Meet (Remote Sensing) NRSA, Hyderabad(Two days) Sponoserd by Dept. of Space, Govt. of India, 02-02-2003 to 03-02-2003
  40. Workshop On Microcontroller And Its Applications., Thiagarajar College Of Engg., Madurai, 20-Dec 2002 to 21-Dec-2002
  41. Procedure to Join Indian Army as Officers by Capt Aadharsh P, Signal Officer Indian Army on 18.04.2018, 01-01-2001 to 01-01-2001
  42. Short Term Course on Geographical information system TTTI, Chennai07.08.2000 to 18.08.2000(Two Weeks) sponsored byMHRD, GOI, 07-08-2000 to 18-08-2000
  43. Presented "Exploring the beginner Electronics Hardware through Hardware Clubs and in Workshops" in the "Faculty Conclave-2022 -Sharing of Best Practices in Teaching-Learning" on 19th March 2022, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

Himali Vaghela Ph.D Vegetation Monitoring Ongoing
K. Vaiyammal M.E/M.S Change Detection on Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Completed
E. Thangadeepiga M.E/M.S Remote Sensing based Crop Identification Using Deep Learning Completed
J. Charles Ph.D Spatio-Spectral Feature based Post Classification Change Detection For Urban Sprawl Monitoring Completed
M. Dheenadayalan M.E/M.S Object Based Change Detection Using High Resolution Satellite Imagery Completed
R. Prabhu M.E/M.S Urban Slum Extraction Approaches From Very High Resolution Satellite Dara Completed
P. Pounroja M.E/M.S An Iterative Medical Image Based Dictionary Construction For the Fusion of Remotely Sensed Data Completed
Anas Antony M.E/M.S An Assessment of Wavelet Based Feature Extraction Techniques for SAR Data Classification Completed
C. Chifla M.E/M.S GLCM Based Texture Feature Extraction for SAR Data Classification Completed
A. Priyanga M.E/M.S Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Completed
S. Jeyaram Shibu M.E/M.S Hard Macro Implementation on Lower Technology Node Completed
X. Mervin Samuel M.E/M.S Vendor Rate Management in Database Using MVC Completed

 Lectures Delivered

Satellite Remote Sensing Technology for Societal Development Fatima College, Mary Land, Madurai 28-02-2023 to 28-02-2023
REMOTE SENSING & GIS TECHNOLOGIES - Concepts and Case Studies Mohmed Sathak Engineering College 22-01-2023 to 22-01-2023
Geographical Information System (GIS) for Flood Mapping for MLO/ JLO of PWD/WRD Water Resources Staff Institute, Madurai 26-12-2022 to 29-12-2022
Satellite Image Processing and Its Applications Twodays Workshop on Remote Sensing Technologies and Its Applications ICTACT, Vel Tech University, Chennai. 04-04-2018 to 04-04-2018
Remote Sensing and Image Processing ECE Association CAFACE, Chief Guest/ Inagural Address MOES Sponserd, KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode 23-06-2017 to 23-06-2017
Satellite Geodesy Image Processing MOES Sponserd Program National Seminor on Cognitive Satellite Geodesy Image Processing and Remote Sensing MOES Sponserd Program National Seminor on Cognitive Satellite Geodesy Image Processing and Remote Sensing MOES Sponserd, KSR College of Technology, Tiruchengode 23-06-2017 to 23-06-2017
Applications of GIS in Disaster Management Collectorate, Pudhukkottai District 11-06-2015 to 12-06-2015
Key Note Address -Technical Lecture Kalasalingam university, Srivilliputtur 01-10-2014 to 01-10-2014
Remote sensing & GIS Technology for National Development, October, 2014 Kalasalingam university, Srivilliputtur 01-10-2014 to 01-10-2014
Applications of GIS in Disaster Management Collectorate, Pudhukkottai District 11-07-2014 to 12-07-2014
Applications of GIS in Disaster Management Collectorate, Thanjavur District 09-07-2014 to 10-08-2014
Applications of GIS in Disaster Management Collectorate, Theni Distict 26-06-2014 to 27-06-2014
Applications of GIS in Disaster Management, Training for Dashildar and Deputy Dashildar level officers Collectorate, Madurai 02-06-2014 to 02-06-2014
Basic of Remote Sensing and GIS and GIS Intoruction, Components, Evolution Public Works Staff Traning Institue (PWD) Public Works Staff Traning Institue (PWD) 23-09-2013 to 23-09-2013
Satellite Image Procesing Kongu Engg. College , Erode
Role of Image Processing in Computer Applications Vikram College of Engg., Sivaganga
Research Issues in Digital Image Processing Mepco Schlenk College of Engg., Sivakasi
Remote Sensing & Satellite Systems Pysec Engg. College, Sivaganga. March 2008
Case Studies : Remote Sensing & Gis Kamaraj Colege Of Engg. & Technology, Virudunagar 2007
Change Detection Studies Pandiyan Sarasvathi Yadav Engg. College 2007
Remote Sensing Concepts Arulmigu Kalasalingam Engg. College, Kovilpatti 2006
Remote Sensing & Gis In Rural Development NSS Camp At Vilacherri Village,Madurai Dt. 2004
Satellite Image Processing Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 2004
Role Of Image Processing In Remote Sensing Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, Madurai 2003


Indian Society of Geomatics(ISG) Life Member --
Indian Society of Remote Sensing Life Member