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Consolidated 2012-2013

Sponsored Research Projects Sanctioned –2012-13 (Rs. 2.6 Crores)

AREA Investigator Agency Amount
Engineering applications of Materials


Dr. V. Abhaikumar, ECE
Dr. S. Balaji, Chemistry
Dr. C. Muruganantham, Mech
FIST -DST 99.48 Lacs
RF MEMS switches Dr. S. Kanthamani, ECE DST 20.20 Lacs
Magneto Dielectric Antennas Dr. V. Abhaikumar, ECE
Dr. S. Raju, ECE
Dr. S. Balaji, Chemistry
DRDO 20.80 Lacs
Development of ECM process for Ti alloys Dr. S. Balaji, Chemistry
Dr. M. Palaninatharaja, Mech
DRDO 19.60 Lacs
NanoTransmission Line for Interconnects Dr. S. Kanthamani, ECE UGC 14.30 Lacs
Navigation in Internet Protocol Television Dr. M.S.K. Manikandan, ECE UGC 10.30 Lacs
LacsDual band filters for Wireless Applications Dr. A. Thenmozhi, ECE UGC 09.10 Lacs
Vibration Control of Piezoelectric Structures Dr. L.R. Karl Marx, ECE UGC 12.10 Lacs
Intelligent surveillance System Dr. B. Yogameena, ECE UGC 10.30 Lacs
Thermal comfort of Traditional Buidlings Mrs. R. ShanthiPriya, Arch UGC 11.82 Lacs
Development of LED phosphor Materials Dr. M. Kottaisamy, Chemistry UGC 12.00 Lacs
Waste Water for Irrigation Dr. K. Arunachalam, Civil
Dr. T. Velrajan, Civil
Dr. S. Chandran, Civil
PWD 13.00 Lacs